Pofak Oman: Cheese Flavour

If we could ever speak about a rock star or hall of famer it would be Pofak Oman. Don’t get me wrong, we are talking about the Middle East here and specifically the GCC region. Pofak Oman was one of the first crisps that went viral back when internet didn’t exist. It was cheap it was delicious and it prevailed decades of ago before big named brands existed. Lets just say embedded of the hearts and bellies of many yet still keeping up with major player in the industry. It literally melts in your mouth. Before you can savior the flavor you go in for more. It’s mildly cheesy and with a hint of a buttery after taste. With that said it does cling on to the crevices of your teeth but melts away just as quick to beat the annoyance.

Corn Meal, Palm Oil, Cheese Powder, Butter Flavour, Salt (All Natural Colours and Flavours) E160b and E160c
It’s simple, it’s meaningful but it’s simplicity and unique flavors isn’t for everyone. You will need to have some memories growing up as a child or being around your parents with this one. Regionally buyest to many but uniquely outlandish for most. A must try. She isn’t one to ignore.
Smell - 6
Crunch - 2
Flavour - 8
After Taste - 8
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